Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week 8, the OFF week

That’s exactly what it was too, OFF big time. I think I did 2 total P90X workouts and only a few runs and rides too. It was wonderful sleeping in and getting a good recovery week. I did not know how badly I needed it.

If I were more focused this week I would have better results. However, buying new jeans helped me realize this is a very real program. About 18 lbs lost and 5 inches on the waist and I feel fantastic. Thanks everyone for the help! I will be taking my pics soon and will try to post something.

Since it was an “OFF” week it is more fun to talk about what was “ON”. We went to a Newsboys concert Saturday night with the kids and found a way to get in the front. TOO COOL. It was one of their first concerts with new lead singer Michael Tate formerly from DC talk. It was off the chart fun. I had my little girl on my shoulders just singing along the entire time. It’s hard to believe we could be that close, they are awesome. I will try to post a quick video of them signing “He Reigns”, one of my favorite tunes.

Hooked up on chest and back today and really took it to the next level. I have 30 days left and don’t want to leave anything to regret. So I want to hit it hard the entire last 4 weeks and see what is possible. I am so happy, I consider myself a changed person already.

God Bless


  1. Great work!!! Just make sure you don't spend too much on the new jeans....I did and now need to buy more. I know, "terrible"...haha.

    Glad you guys got to see NewsBoys and had great seats. Christian rock is something that I think could really bring in the mainstream if they would just listen to it, but isn't that true about any truth?

  2. Jeremy said it all but I can't wait to see the pics!!
