Saturday, May 9, 2009

Week 3 P90ish

My Mom always told me…. wait, I should leave her out of this, after all, it is her special weekend. Her general guidance usually directed us towards “happy is good”. Literally translated, the easy way can often be the best way. Sorry Momma, that’s just not the P90X way, or life in that matter. It’s hard work, dedication, and did I mention hard work?

Since I may have not followed all the advice of my Mom, the Mother of my kids does a much better job at setting a great example. So, we will start with honesty. I missed Yoga, 2 sessions of ARX, and Kenpo which is one of my favorite workouts! I worked roughly 14 hours each day this week with family gigs almost every night. It is the way my job works and had an additional challenge preparing for a trip to Europe this weekend. The precious few hours I had each day were spent with my wife and kids.

Does this mean I go back to the easy life Momma taught me? No way! Since I am traveling alone I have a week away from the kids, in the alps, with P90X, running shoes, and some ground to make up. I finally worked on the scale and ticked down roughly 12-15 lbs so far and feel great. I should lean down a few more lbs this week and am looking forward to the 30 day report.

I am very thankful for this program and that I don’t foster guilt or consider hitting the drive thru on a bad streak. It’s a 90 day program! Not every day will be great, but keep going. No worries my friends, it’s a great “off” week that allows me to run, and run, and run with the French Alps in my backdrop and time on my side. God Speed everyone!

Happy Mothers day, what a blessing Mom’s are!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your honesty and I have no doubt your dedication is not even close to lacking. I enjoyed your post so much... very refreshing!
